Winterfylleth Green Cathedral Reverb


The Green Cathedral is an atmospheric dynamic reverb, designed for and with Chris Naughton of black metal legends Winterfylleth to add ambience and depth to his sound. Covering both sonic spaces of clean passages and pairing perfectly with high gain all out metal, it couldn’t just be an off the peg solution.

The onboard controls Mix and Dwell are there to tailor it to your tastes, both the ‘size’ of the reverb and how fast it dissipates via the Dwell control and how much of your signal you want blended into the reverberation via the Mix control.

For a small space room style reverb, dial the dwell down for a shorter decay, mix to taste.

If you want cavernous reflections that go on for days? Crank the dwell and mix to get lost in the ether. This reverb has a subtle modulation to invoke a change in the sound reflections to liven the effect, when compared to often dull sounding larger reverbs.

The Green Cathedral has an internal volume trim pot to precisely match your dry signal – or to give it a boost for some ethereal passages, this reverb is made to compliment your rig and playing no matter the genre or gain levels.

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