Ohminator Fuzz

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Building on a heralded design from a classic 70s circuit, the Ohminator refines greatness and adds additional features to bring this gem to a new audience.

Volume, Sustain, Tone - standard controls for level, gain and the overall tone of the fuzz circuit. The Sustain (gain) control goes from subtle to all out wall of fuzz with stops inbetween, allowing you to dial in your preferred flavour of buzz(saw). The tone control sweeps between huge bassy overload and nasal 60s era sounds. 

Blend - An additional stage to allow you to pan between your dry signal and the fuzz. Useful for bassists who want to retain low end that can be lost in a lot of fuzz circuits, but also interesting for guitarists who want to experiment with keeping some of their dry signal for clarity. Or even for those who want to meld two gain sounds together. Just put the Ohminator after your existing gain stages and pan between them to invent your own. The blend can have the fuzz bleed through if the volume and sustain are towards the max so some experimentation is required if you're being subtle with onboard fuzz.


EQ - This controls the EQ curve of the tone stack, up offers a much more mids focused sound, and down is where the bassy, doomy sounds live. 

Octave - This toggle transforms the pedal from an all out fuzz to an all out analogue octave up machine to make your leads sing and your band mates pay attention. Double stops clang, chords get gnarly, brash is the name of the game. Run a reverb before it and you're well on your way to hearing things no one else has before. 

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